MA Psychology, Spirituality Mind Body Institute, Columbia University
BS Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California
Reiki Master Teacher

A healer, teacher, and guide to influential leaders from Silicon Beach to Malibu to Hollywood.

Grace Emmons’ approach is as cutting-edge as it is rooted in timeless wisdom. Founder of Forward with Grace, Emmons is trained across positive and depth psychology, behavioral science, spiral dynamics, Reiki and energetics, and incorporates a rich tapestry of spiritual and esoteric teachings encompassing Kabbalah, natal astrology, and metaphysics. Grace’s deep mastery of diverse disciplines uniquely positions her as a bridge between science and spirituality. 

At its core, Grace’s work empowers leaders to foster self-awareness, self growth, and resilience, so their positive influence can resonate throughout their personal lives, businesses, communities, and the world. 

Through her evidence-based Transformative Energy Healing method, Grace has elevated individuals, groups, and entire corporations to thrive. You can think of Grace as one part life coach, one part business coach, one part healer. 

Grace has studied under world-renowned teachers Dr. Lisa Miller, pioneer in spirituality and psychology; Dr. Dan Tomasulo, new leader in positive psychology; Dr. Traci Stein, award-winning meditation guide and integrative care practitioner; Dr. Ruth Rosenbaum, mind-body medicine expert; Kelsey J. Patel, world-renowned reiki master; Debra Silverman, celebrity astrologer; and the Bergs at The Kabbalah Center.

When Grace isn’t helping others unlock their highest potential, she’s a proud mother of two girls and wife of a purpose-driven CEO who loves her morning coffee and hiking near her home in Topanga Canyon.

Grace and her husband created the Topanga Canyon Oasis, a boutique retreat and gathering space in the foothills of the Santa Monica Mountains.

Grace Emmons’ approach is as cutting-edge as it is rooted in timeless wisdom. Founder of Forward with Grace, Emmons is trained across positive and depth psychology, behavioral science, spiral dynamics, Reiki and energetics, and incorporates a rich tapestry of spiritual and esoteric teachings encompassing Kabbalah, natal astrology, and metaphysics. Grace’s deep mastery of diverse disciplines uniquely positions her as a bridge between science and spirituality. 

At its core, Grace’s work empowers leaders to foster self-awareness, self growth, and resilience, so their positive influence can resonate throughout their personal lives, businesses, communities, and the world. 

Through her evidence-based Transformative Energy Healing method, Grace has elevated individuals, groups, and entire corporations to thrive. You can think of Grace as one part life coach, one part business coach, one part healer. 

Grace has studied under world-renowned teachers Dr. Lisa Miller, pioneer in spirituality and psychology; Dr. Dan Tomasulo, new leader in positive psychology; Dr. Traci Stein, award-winning meditation guide and integrative care practitioner; Dr. Ruth Rosenbaum, mind-body medicine expert; Kelsey J. Patel, world-renowned reiki master; Debra Silverman, celebrity astrologer; and the Bergs at The Kabbalah Center.

When Grace isn’t helping others unlock their highest potential, she’s a proud mother of two girls and wife of a purpose-driven CEO who loves her morning coffee and hiking near her home in Topanga Canyon.

Grace and her husband created the Topanga Canyon Oasis, a boutique retreat and gathering space in the foothills of the Santa Monica Mountains.

Grace Emmons


MA Psychology, Spirituality Mind Body Institute,
Columbia University

BS Biomedical Engineering,
University of Southern California

Reiki Master Teacher




Today, rates of anxiety and depression are at historic highs. 

According to a study by The Kaiser Family Foundation, 32.3% of US adults reported symptoms of anxiety and/or depression in Feb 2023, with a rate of 50% for people ages 18-24.¹ Stigmas around mental health care have been reduced and the therapy industry has grown exponentially in response to this crisis, yet studies show overall rates of poor mental health have not improved.

The National Alliance of Mental Illness found 1 in 5 of us are experiencing mental health conditions.² IPSOS studies mirror the same trend, finding that 1 in 5 Americans are “languishing” or experiencing the absence of mental health, as defined by Dr. Keyes.³,⁴

But there is hope. Leading researchers have found that strengthening one’s spiritual core is the gateway to healing the stress and disconnection that is at the root of today’s widespread anxiety and depression. The spiritual core is comprised of one’s connection to self and one’s connection to something greater than the self. 

Forward with Grace was founded to guide us back to the heart and soul, to revitalize people, groups, and organizations for a stronger sense of empowerment, trust, purpose and passion. We invite you to join the movement.

¹ Kaiser Family Foundation ( (March 2023). Latest Federal Data Show That Young People Are More Likely Than Older Adults to Be Experiencing Symptoms of Anxiety or Depression. 
² National Alliance of Mental Illness. (2023). Mental Health By the Numbers.
³,⁴ IPSOS. May 2021. U.S. Mental Health 2021 Report. Mental Health in Adolescence: is America’s youth flourishing? Keyes, C. AM J Orthopsychiatry.

Meet The



Reiki Master & Transformative Coach

Grace Emmons

Reiki Master & Transformative Coach

Sarah Recher

Mallory Ruparel


Meet The



Grace Emmons


There was a time in my life when everything looked great on the outside. I had graduated from USC with a Biomedical Engineering degree, was jet-setting back and forth to NYC in a high-powered consulting career, and was dating the hot shot in my social circles. 

But on the inside, I was suffocating. My career was draining me. My relationship was toxic. I felt burnt out, lost, anxious, and unworthy. 

I tried everything to relieve my pain… yoga, meditation, self-help books, therapy… but it wasn’t until I found energy healing that everything shifted and I felt alive again. I remembered my power, my worth, and began to thrive. Suddenly, my dream life started to align around me. I knew I needed to share this secret with the world.

I followed my intuition to become a Reiki Master and obtain a Masters in Psychology at the Spirituality Mind Body Institute at Columbia, learning everything I could about the science and study of growth, healing and transformation. I found my soulmate partner and started the family I always wanted in the beautiful Topanga Canyon, where I’ve created an oasis and healing studio. 

I’ve spent the last decade honing my methods as a healer, teacher, and guide and have touched thousands of lives. Forward with Grace was launched as a gift from my heart and soul to repair the world with love. 

I invite you to join the movement. 

In gratitude, 

Sarah Recher


Sarah Recher is a Reiki Master Teacher & Transformative Coach at Forward with Grace, as well as a Psychogenealogy Healer. Sarah holds a passion for evidence-based wellness experiences that draw from Reiki, Science, Psychology, Yoga Nidra, Meditation, Plant medicine and more. Sarah comes from France and now calls Los Angeles home. Her main goal is to guide and support clients to connect to their own roots. 

Mallory Ruparel


Mallory Ruparel is a Reiki Practitioner & Transformative Coach at Forward with Grace, as well as a trauma-informed birth and Ayurvedic postpartum doula based in Los Angeles. With a passion for evidence-based healing modalities, she received a degree in Collective Resilience and Radical Healing from the Johnston Center for Integrative Studies at the University of Redlands. Mallory draws from Reiki, Meditation, and Ayurvedic methods, as well as from her experience facilitating social and emotional learning workshops, in order to support individuals, communities, and corporate partners in holistic wellness.

“The truth is, all humans are

inherently perfect. 

Magic begins

when you realize the

infinite potential

that is available to you,

when you awaken the

divine soul you are.” 


“The truth is, all humans are

inherently perfect. 

Magic begins when

that is available to you,

you realize the

infinite potential

when you awaken the

divine soul you are.” 


A Consultation

To see if we’re a good fit, apply to work together below or email us directly at